Engagement Party. Engagement Speech. Doing it in Style.

Use Your Speech to Make Everyone’s Night

5 min readJun 27, 2020

Just like you and your bride or groom-to-be, how many engaged couples are out there, waiting in anticipation for the end of COVID-19? Once we’re on the other side of this pandemic, engagement parties and weddings will surely be back in full force. But, one of the tricky and overlooked hurdles of this wonderful time is the need to say a few words at the engagement party. Are you ready?

Don’t worry — if your party is like most, it will be a casual event. There will be no need for a long speech filled with formality. The idea is to keep it short and sweet, thank your guests, and give them an insight into your journey as a couple. We don’t want to give everything away before the big day comes.

The importance of this speech lies in the need to welcome and thank guests, and to keep everyone on the figurative “love train”, being the journey of your love story. Family and friends love to revel in the good times you share. It brings a sense of warmth to be apart of it and bring a sense of nostalgia when comparing their story to yours. This speech is but one part of giving people the satisfaction, remembering — speeches are never about you, and are always about your audience.

Let’s dive into the essential components of the engagement speech.


A seriously overlooked component. Like most advice you find, it is important to rehearse. But — there are lots of things to think about:

  • Think about how you are going to deliver your speech. Are you going to pause in certain places, talk excitedly about your proposal story, look at certain people when talking about them? Visit the Resources pages to learn more about this space.
  • Will you be standing behind a table or podium or standing just on your own? If on your own, that gives you room to move and be seen.
  • Will you have a microphone? If not, remember to speak up.
  • Are you going to read from notes or remember your speech? If you’re memorising it, remember to rehearse and remember the key opening points of each paragraph.

Now, let’s not get carried away to the point where your focus on your speech ruins your night. The important thing to remember is — give it enough thought to ensure you are comfortable and feel prepared. Often, the fear of speaking is only felt due to a lack of prep.

Hook and Open

Open your speech with a catchy line. Sure, you could skip straight to a welcome — “Hi everyone. Thank you for coming. It is a wonderful night.” But, you could also choose to take it to the next level with a quick couple of sentences that really engages everyone and has them interested in what’s coming next. You choose.


Wow. What a perfect evening it has been. A perfect party, perfect guests, and a perfect soon-to-be Bride, or close enough to perfect at least!

Welcome and Thank You

Ensure everyone feels welcomed, and acknowledge those who have help with preparations. This could include those who paid for the event, those who helped set up the party, or those who have personally helped you or your partner along the journey.


Thanks everyone for being here with us this evening. It’s great to have so many people to share this occasion with us. I would like to say a big thank you to all those who helped with preparations. It wouldn’t have been as we had imagined without your assistance, and it is certainly appreciated.


Now you’re partway through, you will undoubtedly feel less nervous about the speech. Now — everyone loves to hear about the proposal. This is a great opportunity to give everyone a quick insight into the proposal and keep them tuned in to the tale of your love story. Think into the future and decide whether you wish to tell the full story now, or whether you prefer to hold back and tell the whole story at your wedding reception.


OK, look guys, I am just as surprised as you are to be standing here knowing I am engaged to be married. I think Mike held out for quite some time. When we met, I was a carefree bachelorette. But — not long after we met, I learned that my life is better with him in it. We have been together a while now, and along the way, I think Mike figured we were already married. It always felt so natural and comfortable. But after a while, I’m sure Mike realised that he didn’t want to miss out on being the happiest man in the world and should make it official. So, he asked me to marry him and I couldn’t be more excited. We’re planning the wedding for some time next year, so watch this space!


Your fiancé is part of the audience too! Consider taking the chance to tell him or her how you feel in front of everyone. If this does not come easy to you, then keep in mind that it will make your fiancé feel special and it will give your guests the “warm and fuzzies”, which is part of the reason they are on this ride with you.


Jane — now that we are finally here, I cannot wait to get the wedding underway, and I cannot be more thankful that the person I get to marry is you. You have always been there for me through thick and thin, and I look forward to always being there for you.


Almost done! Quickly close off by toasting your guests, and if you can, throw in some humour to lock into everyone’s minds the thought of, “wow that was a great, entertaining speech.”


So, I’m glad this time has finally come and I’m so glad my speech is done so I can now get back to partying. Please join me in a quick toast to all of you for joining us this evening, to those who couldn’t make it tonight and to those who made this night happen. Cheers!​

Phew, that’s that!

2 or 3 minutes and you’re done. Keeping the above points in mind as you write your speech, you will have knocked it out of the park, kept everyone engaged, and you’ll have made everyone ready for the next chapter — the wedding!

We know that speech writing is hard! Sometimes, it is hard to get the creative juices flowing. If you are looking for additional support or a tool to help guide you through your speech writing journey, visit us at www.speechform.com.au . Our speech generators will help you to create an amazing speech without having to be a speech writing guru. Our professional speechwriters have written content and delivery tips and advice to help you build an entertaining and heartfelt engagement speech.

Originally published at https://www.speechform.com.au on June 27, 2020.




Empowering you to create inspiring, entertaining and informative speeches without having to be a speech writing guru.